志工感言 (Reflection) >> Ottawa
# Center
1 Houston
2 San Francisco
3 New York
4 Toronto
5 Orange
6 Chicago
7 Maryland
8 Seattle
9 Vancouver
10 Los Angeles
11 Boston
12 Atlanta
13 Kansas
14 Miami
15 Ireland
16 Ottawa
Poon, Emily (潘柔辰)
Some say that expectations lead to disappointments. I had always believed this to be true. Nonetheless, I applied to this program with high expectations. I had heard amazing tales about how it was a life changing experience. Needless to say, I was totally excited when I was accepted.

Though I can’t say that the first few days were what I expected. My AID experience started awkwardly. Silently even. Shy…ly. On some stroke of luck, my group had been comprised of the six shyest Canadians ever. Or so I thought. I was definitely proven wrong later on at Reiting.

I felt like the two weeks of teaching was too short. But then again, if it were three weeks, it may not have been enough as well. The children were adorable. A little unmanageable at times, but enthusiastic when games were played and points were promised. I’m not sure how much English I actually taught my students, nor how much they many have retained, but I do believe that from our short stay, we brought a taste of Canadian culture into their lives and that we, hopefully, instilled a curiosity in them to venture out and explore the world one day.

Even though this may have been repeated numerous times before, I feel the need to say it again. This program was definitely an experience of a lifetime.

So they were wrong. Expectations don’t necessarily lead to disappointment. And strangers can become sisters. For some this was the summer of the orange mobs but for us Reiting girls, it would be the summer of the princesses.
