最新消息 (Latest information)
11/6/2013 --- Admin
      The 2014 program will be held between July 6 and Aug 2. 2014. The online application webpage will be open around Jan 25, 2014.
6/28/2013 --- Admin
      The 2014 program will be held between July 6 and Aug 2. 2014. The online application webpage will be open around Jan 25, 2014.
In other news, our official Facebook page and Twitter are now live! They're still pretty major works in progress, but check them out at
5/30/2013 --- Admin
      Hi all!

One month 'til AID Summer 2013! Is everyone getting excited? :)

A lot of you may have already noticed, but your school assignments are out! As has been mentioned before, high school volunteers are assigned to elementary schools (~6-12 year old students) and college volunteers (including those entering university next year) are assigned to either elementary schools or middle schools (~12-15 year old students).

We've suggested for the Chinese teachers at each assigned school to start introducing themselves and posting information. Please go to your school-specific site to introduce yourselves to your teammates! After all, you'll soon need to start planning that opening ceremony performance!

You should also be starting to think about your teaching plans. First steps should be thinking about a general theme and your end teaching goals (ie. your students' final performance). Start collecting ideas for games and activities. Start thinking about what YOU would like to gain from a foreign language class (ie. would you rather learn a bunch of vocab words or some phrases you could use on a trip).

Feel free to check out the following link for some tips on teaching plan design: http://www.ascd.org/ASCD/pdf/siteASCD/publications/UbD_WhitePaper0312.pdf

We're testing out a new checking-in process this year to try and make things easier and less crowded. We'll post a recommended check-in time (still the same date: 6/30!) to your account around a week or so before the program start date. Please remember to check it!
3/29/2013 --- Admin
      For admitted volunteers, the Forum will be appeared after you click the Accept button.
3/27/2013 --- Admin
      Since airline companies will increase their fares to Taipei on Apr 1st, some applicants requested for an earlier notice of their admission status. We would like to inform that all admission letters will be released before 1:00pm eastern time on Mar 29th.