2014 父母感言 (Words from Parents) >> Chicago
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9168: 鄺美耘 ; Author: 鄺美耘和鄺紹耘的媽媽 陳翎玥

<2014年海外華裔青年英語服務營 > 家長感言
鄺美耘和鄺紹耘的媽媽 陳翎玥
當紹耘告訴我他被分發到花蓮富里的竹田村時,我不假思索脫口而出的是: 你確定不是阿公屏東老家的竹田村嗎? 小時候每次回阿公老家,坐普通車總是在竹田站下車;而阿公種蘭花的蘭園隔壁,就是竹田國小! 客家村靜謐的鄉間, 綠油油的稻田,還有人們爽朗談笑聲… …我不由得羨慕起紹耘: 他就要到好山好水的仙境去了! 美耘也不錯, 到新竹市優美的內湖國中。
打從計畫要申請英語服務營開始,美耘紹耘姐弟倆就有點兒緊張, 總共就只有350個名額, 能不能入選進營隊呢? 延遲再延遲,等到終於公佈分發時又更緊張了! 雖說在中文學校多年,美耘的中文SAT II模擬考考過95%以上, 紹耘今年AP中文也得了5分; 加上他倆也在僑界元旦升旗典禮時相聲表演過… …可一想到即將面對半大不小說中文的毛頭小孩們, 語言及態度不是問題,方法技巧和應變能力的確是一大挑戰啊!
將他倆送到劍潭時, 我發現他們因為看見年紀相仿的夥伴們而輕鬆不少, 很快我察覺我沒有再多逗留的必要, 這是他們來此的目的 : 認識團體,認識同伴;更重要的是認識自己!
接下來的行程4星期, 照姐弟倆的說法,都是這十幾年來難以抹滅的回憶。小朋友們英文能力上的增進不在話下( 至少說話勇氣增加了)。然而第一次在鄉間割稻子;第一次看見會吃蟑螂的蜘蛛;第一次吃這麼多7-ELEVEN 便當;第一次吃泥火山豆腐;第一次看義民廟打大鼓比賽,颱風來襲學校停課到處積水,學生太皮要請出老師坐鎮,學生自己練了街舞給老師們一個大驚喜… … 全都是額外得到的!
點滴回憶, 莫忘初衷! 當張委員詹會長一口答應寫推薦信時,提攜之情也落實在殷殷期盼著美耘紹耘真正面對自己,盡一己所能貢獻給這些偏遠又資源薄弱的小朋友們身上! 我們同時也感受到芝加哥僑教中心協辦人員的鼎力相助,電郵和電話上的聯絡提醒,功不可沒!
感謝僑委會給予他倆這難能可貴的機會和經驗! (希望妹妹季耘也有)

9276: 張捷特 ; Author: 張彩惠


我的兒子張捷特很幸運的被分發到雲林縣古坑鄉東和國小, 在林校長和林老師的愛心照顧下, 捷特和他的夥伴有非常好的學習和教學經驗。

雖然台灣的夏天很熱, 這些美國長大的孩子, 在林校長, 林老師, 學生和家長的幫助下, 他們每天都能專心、努力地設計和進行教學。台灣的孩子比較害羞, 一開始不敢回答或參與,可以在這群熱心的年青人的教導下,這些孩子也學了一些英語. 真棒!

捷特說這個美語營真是一個很有意義的活動,他不只學了很多中文和新的東西, 他也交了很多很好的朋友。現在捷特回到Emory 大學, 他還是繼續參加很多服務活動。

我們一家人都很感激台灣的政府能給海外的孩子這麼有意義的活動, 謝謝!

張彩惠 敬上

9281: 張琪雯 ; Author: Showming Fan

Dear Overseas Youth English Teaching Volunteer Service Program,
Both of my children applied and attended 2014 AID Summer program. Emily is 19 years old college sophomore, Michael is 17 year old high school senior.
There is no doubt that they are positively changed by the program in many ways, this program is such a well-planned, both the volunteer teacher and the students went through not just English, but in depth life learning skills.
This is not the first time they attend multi-weeks resident summer program, but i see changes that Surprises me, such as taking initiatives to organize and plan, and openness to food they did not like before.I checked the pictures on the Aid summer web site, and Facebook through the 4 weeks, I am amazed again and again to see that the administrators, and counselors have put so much effort into this program to turn over 300 young people from students to teachers, and I believe they also became better person through the program.
The last week of the program further bonded the culture and friendship which became an important and unforgettable experience for volunteers. I told some of the American colleagues about AID summer and they saw the pictures and want to encourage their kids to apply next year. My kids are so lucky to be able to participate this program, I know there are many people behind this program to make it work, Please know that, your work is highly appreciated, and you are making positive impacts to young people who will someday make you proud.

Parents of Emily Chang and Michael Chang
Showming Fan / Poliang Chang

9282: 陳翰傑 ; Author: 陳蕙芬

2014海外華裔青年英語服務營 – 家長感言


9286: 張宇宙 ; Author: Showming Fan

Dear Overseas Youth English Teaching Volunteer Service Program,
Both of my children applied and attended 2014 AID Summer program. Emily is 19 years old college sophomore, Michael is 17 year old high school senior.
There is no doubt that they are positively changed by the program in many ways, this program is such a well-planned, both the volunteer teacher and the students went through not just English, but in depth life learning skills.
This is not the first time they attend multi-weeks resident summer program, but i see changes that Surprises me, such as taking initiatives to organize and plan, and openness to food they did not like before.I checked the pictures on the Aid summer web site, and Facebook through the 4 weeks, I am amazed again and again to see that the administrators, and counselors have put so much effort into this program to turn over 300 young people from students to teachers, and I believe they also became better person through the program.
The last week of the program further bonded the culture and friendship which became an important and unforgettable experience for volunteers. I told some of the American colleagues about AID summer and they saw the pictures and want to encourage their kids to apply next year. My kids are so lucky to be able to participate this program, I know there are many people behind this program to make it work, Please know that, your work is highly appreciated, and you are making positive impacts to young people who will someday make you proud.

Parents of Emily Chang and Michael Chang
Showming Fan / Poliang Chang

9288: 陳鈺婷 ; Author: Carin Chuang

2014年海外華裔青年英語服務營 - 家長感言

I didn't like the lack of independence for the students.
- The training week wasn't helpful but I feel that some of the lectures weren't applicable to my site. They should prepare more presentations on the cultural difference between Western and Eastern cultures.
- Many rules do not have a reasonable purpose behind it. Or if there is a claimed reason behind said rule, please offer an explanation. Otherwise, it's frustrating when petty restrictions are made without actual understanding of why we are prohibited from something.
- It is a learning experience for students and for volunteers. I understand our safety is the program's responsibility but it would be nice to explore more of Taipei.
- NanHe Junior High's hospitality was beyond what I'd expected and they became our family after the 2-3 weeks. I thank them very much.

I loved the host family that I lived with. They were incredibly hospitable and made sure we were comfortable during the whole program. Everyone in the family helped us adapt easily to the new environment and let us feel like a part of their family.
-My teaching group was nice. We all got along and worked together well. My teaching partner and I balanced each other well in the classroom and did not have any problems working together.
-The training part was not what I expected. It gave the volunteers fun game ideas for our teaching plan. However, AID could improve on making the material more interesting and useful for the teaching volunteers.
-My teaching coach was helpful during training and teaching. He helped us plan our teaching plans appropriately and told us what to expect.
-The tour was one of my favorite parts of the program. The food and the places we lived at were fine. I only wish that we were able to stay longer to shop at some of the attractions we visited.

9386: 林韵亞 ; Author: 林韵亞的媽媽

2014 海外華裔青年英語服務營 家長感言

首先,非常感謝僑委會連續許多年執行這項計畫,使海外出生的孩子們,從朋友、學長姐口中知道有這個具挑戰又有成就感、有付出又能有收穫的赴臺營隊; 從羨慕到終於有資格報名,爭取參與到抵台努力服務,每個階段都能循序漸進,基本上就是個好計畫。
我的女兒此番從營隊回來,對臺灣的感受大不同於家人帶他回臺的感覺; 自服務偏遠地方的學童經驗中,懂得從被動接受款待,到主動為他人著想的參與付出,了解責任與樂趣的平衡,並能在同懠正負面行為中把持自己,這些體認讓我發自內心的歡喜。



9453: 鄺紹耘 ; Author: 鄺美耘和鄺紹耘的媽媽 陳翎玥

<2014年海外華裔青年英語服務營 > 家長感言
鄺美耘和鄺紹耘的媽媽 陳翎玥
當紹耘告訴我他被分發到花蓮富里的竹田村時,我不假思索脫口而出的是: 你確定不是阿公屏東老家的竹田村嗎? 小時候每次回阿公老家,坐普通車總是在竹田站下車;而阿公種蘭花的蘭園隔壁,就是竹田國小! 客家村靜謐的鄉間, 綠油油的稻田,還有人們爽朗談笑聲… …我不由得羨慕起紹耘: 他就要到好山好水的仙境去了! 美耘也不錯, 到新竹市優美的內湖國中。
打從計畫要申請英語服務營開始,美耘紹耘姐弟倆就有點兒緊張, 總共就只有350個名額, 能不能入選進營隊呢? 延遲再延遲,等到終於公佈分發時又更緊張了! 雖說在中文學校多年,美耘的中文SAT II模擬考考過95%以上, 紹耘今年AP中文也得了5分; 加上他倆也在僑界元旦升旗典禮時相聲表演過… …可一想到即將面對半大不小說中文的毛頭小孩們, 語言及態度不是問題,方法技巧和應變能力的確是一大挑戰啊!
將他倆送到劍潭時, 我發現他們因為看見年紀相仿的夥伴們而輕鬆不少, 很快我察覺我沒有再多逗留的必要, 這是他們來此的目的 : 認識團體,認識同伴;更重要的是認識自己!
接下來的行程4星期, 照姐弟倆的說法,都是這十幾年來難以抹滅的回憶。小朋友們英文能力上的增進不在話下( 至少說話勇氣增加了)。然而第一次在鄉間割稻子;第一次看見會吃蟑螂的蜘蛛;第一次吃這麼多7-ELEVEN 便當;第一次吃泥火山豆腐;第一次看義民廟打大鼓比賽,颱風來襲學校停課到處積水,學生太皮要請出老師坐鎮,學生自己練了街舞給老師們一個大驚喜… … 全都是額外得到的!
點滴回憶, 莫忘初衷! 當張委員詹會長一口答應寫推薦信時,提攜之情也落實在殷殷期盼著美耘紹耘真正面對自己,盡一己所能貢獻給這些偏遠又資源薄弱的小朋友們身上! 我們同時也感受到芝加哥僑教中心協辦人員的鼎力相助,電郵和電話上的聯絡提醒,功不可沒!
感謝僑委會給予他倆這難能可貴的機會和經驗! (希望妹妹季耘也有)
