2013 父母感言 (Words from Parents) >> Atlanta
# Center
1 Atlanta
2 Boston
3 Chicago
4 Houston
5 Kansas
6 London
7 Los Angeles
8 Maryland
9 Miami
10 New York
11 Orange
12 San Francisco
13 Seattle
14 Toronto
15 Vancouver
8118: 鄭郁靜 ; Author: 齊卉卉

Sarah今年十七歲,她從小就是一個非常獨立的孩子,凡事喜歡親力親為。作為父母的我們能做的就是協助她設立目標,進而鼓勵她達成目標。兩年前,無意中從網路報紙中得知僑委會主辦海外華裔青年回台英語服務營,她便設立目標想要回去。兩年來 她一有機會便會幫朋友照看小孩以積攢旅費 ,Sarah自己做計劃, 從申請到定機票回台, 選擇機位等等,她全部一手包辦, 我們只負責提供她需要的資料和諮詢。
做為父母的我們真的十分感謝這次學習的機會, 與其說孩子回家鄉服務, 倒不如說孩子是最大的受益者。Sarah 第一次自己坐飛機,第一次寄住在對她而言陌 生人的家,第一次在飛機上遇貴人相助, 許許多多經歷過的第一次,豐富了她的視野,我們相信她將來會更有自信去面對這個世界。
我相信這美好成功的夏令營, 背後一定有一群願意犧牲奉獻,無私為這些孩子付出的人。謝謝你們這麼努力,讓Sarah有美好難忘的經驗, 也讓她看到你們美好的榜樣,相信在未來她會更加願意去為別人付出,並把她所感受到的關懷與愛傳遞下去。

8119: 鄭伊翔 ; Author: 阮敏如


8120: 賀林飛 ; Author: 黃越

我的兩個小孩有幸先後參加了AidSummer 的義工服務 他倆都認為這是他們參加的最有意義又有趣的暑期活動。首先是自己離家獨立旅行和生活,很開心。第一次從學生變成老師,培養了他們的責任感和愛心,當看到小學生們學會唱英文歌曲真是很高興和自豪!




8126: 劉慕真 ; Author: Tin-Man Lau 劉天民

My daughter, Mojen Lau 劉慕真, somehow found out about the 2013 Overseas Youth English Teaching Volunteer Service Program in Taiwan and asked if she could go if she got accepted. She has chosen her major in Early Child Education as a freshman in college, she said that she wanted to see if teaching children is really her passion, and this would be a great opportunity for her to prove herself and at the same time to serve others.

My wife and I at first were skeptical because she had never left home alone for such a period, and we worried a little since she is the youngest in the family. Since there were a thousand applicants, I told her ‘yes’ if she got accepted to the program, assuming that she may not get in.

I have never thought Mojen would be so serious about the application. The day she was accepted to the program, she was so thrilled. She started meeting her group-mates through social media, and often our conversations always had something about her trip.
My wife and I brought Mojen to Jian Tan Activity Center in Taipei to attend the first week of training (I was directing a study abroad program bringing students from Auburn University to visit Taiwan around the same time). We were amazed how the program was so well organized. After helping her to her dorm room and met a couple girls in her group in the room, we left her with much relief that she should be able to do pretty well.

From the first day to the last day of the program, we got to either talk with her briefly or text her almost every day. Our worry was unnecessary because she was taken care of very well.

During the program, occasionally Mojen would send us pictures of her food, her friends, planning lessons with her group, sightseeing, and sometimes things that are interesting to her. It seemed to us that she enjoyed every bit of the program. Although the living condition was incomparable with that of in the US, and it was a lot of hard and tiresome work, she had never complained or showed any signs of dislike or regret. As for my wife and I, we were still worried just because we are the parents but we at the same time are glad that Mojen had participated the program because she enjoyed it so much.

Experientially, Morgan has gained a lot in learning to work with others even some with language and cultural barriers. Socially, she made many friends still today she is texting with the new friends that undoubtedly some of these friendships will be lifelong. Professionally, she gained real-life first hand teaching experience that has proved her passion in teaching young children. Moreover, culturally, her heritage is enriched from this experience. Although we visited Taiwan almost every year, this year through the program, Mojen was immersed in the culture and fell in love with Taiwan. Mojen has already been talking about sending in her application for next year. This shows how much she enjoyed and appreciated the program.

We are very thankful for the Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission and the Ministry of Education to sponsor this program providing young oversea Chinese, someone like Mojen an invaluable experience of the country, the people, and the culture.

8128: 陳郁中 ; Author: Li Huang

在這四個星期的時間裡,我們父母和兒子只能通過電郵和Facebook交流,但是從短短的文字裡,一張張的照片上和電台Magic English錄製的節目中,我可以感受到他在活動中很開心,對柑園國中的接待很感謝,和活動營伙伴們的相處很快樂。
