2018 AID Summer
2017 父母感言 (Words from Parents) >> SF-Milpitas
# Center
1 Atlanta
2 Boston
3 Chicago
4 Denver
5 Houston
6 Los Angeles
7 Maryland
8 New York
9 Orange
10 Seattle
11 SF-Milpitas
12 Sydney
13 Toronto
14 Vancouver
3129: 陳思寧 ; Author: 陳思寧母親 鄭敬萍


當我老二 陳思寧 今年三月中得知 她已被錄取為 2017 年海外華裔青年英文
服務營時,興奮無比。 當時,她還在著手 申請幾個 機構或是社團 提供給
12年級高中畢業生的大學獎學金,在申請的自傳中,她特別強調 這次「英語
服務營」的錄取,讓她能夠在 2017年 即將進入大學就讀的暑假中,除了有機會
這些使命,真的是 對她最好的磨練與恩典。

台中市烏日「溪尾國小」的指導老師,聯絡了分發到溪尾國小的 AID組員們 成立
群組,時常鼓勵組員們腦力激盪, 編出可以用到 教英文的課程教學活動設計。
難能可貴的是,思寧與 AID 同群組的成員們,能夠在劍潭活動中心的短短一週訓練
課程中,同甘共苦的完成指定作業和計畫,這些 “患難見真情” 的經驗,也將會是
她日後進入社會後,建立良好人際關係 和善用分工合作的穩固基石。

當到了真正進入「溪尾國小」 進行英語服務的兩星期中,透過了AID Sumer 2017 的網頁,我們父母看見了國小學童們樸實可愛的笑容與跟 AID 的姐姐哥哥們 天真自然的互動;還有,四位學員們住在寄宿家庭所受到的關愛,以及,「溪尾國小」的老師們 無微不至的照顧。

當教學服務結束的最後一天,思寧與其他位 AID 學員們跟孩子們的傷感告辭,大家淚眼汪汪,不捨離去的情景,透過相片,連我做母親的,也因孩子們,師長們對四位 AID 學員的珍惜祝福,而感動萬分。

我相信,思寧 在 英語服務營 享受到的 “濃濃人情味”,是她好幾次 回台灣探親時
所無法看到的 “台灣之美”。

在此,也要特別感謝北加州「金山灣區華僑文教中心」吳郁華主任 和負責文教業務的
林怡嫻小姐,在這個活動上給予的鼓勵與支持,以及在行前會議中,巨細靡遺的回答學員和家長們的疑惑,使得思寧,在返國參加 2017 「海外華裔青年英語服務營」活動之前,能有充分的準備與了解。


陳思寧母親 鄭敬萍

3136: 仇苡潔 ; Author: Joan Shih, Claire 媽媽

This is the parent of Claire Chour who attended AID summer camp of 2017,
she enjoyed it very much!

Actually, the reason my daughter joined is because of her brother who joined it
three years ago, and he said a lot of good thing about AID, and encouraged Claire
to participate it. She did enjoy it ! Not only she has opportunity to teach elementary students to learn about English, but also she has great chance to meet many smart and interesting people from all over the world. I truly think this is a meaningful camp that all high school students should consider join, I guarantee you won't regret to join, and I believe you will enjoy it like Claire.

Thank you so much AID for having this wonderful camp for young adults to explore
the possibility of their life experience.

3153: 朱允萱 ; Author: Peir Chu, Lara 爸爸

My daughter Lara attended the AID Summer Camp this year and was assigned to Kinmen Island, along with anther 3 kids. Lara was a bit nervous before the trip to Taiwan but was very excited after she returned to US. She shared with us many pictures, stories and jokes in Taiwan and her teaching experience with local kids. Not only she learned a lot about Taiwan's culture and history but the teaching responsibility made her independent and self-motivated. I want to thank OCAC for sponsoring this program and also the local staff at the Culture Center for the excellent support.

I truly believe this kind of program is a great investment in our next-generation overseas Chinese. Lara is very impressed with the kind and warm nature of people in Taiwan and has gained better understanding of the society where her parents came from. Although the program lasts only for 1 month, it has greatly shorten the distance between Lara and Taiwan. She feels closer to Taiwan and has developed an ever stronger bonding with the people and society there. She told us she would like to attend more programs in Taiwan, which makes us parents very happy because Taiwan is the only place where you can learn true Chinese culture.


3162: 費家寶 ; Author: Dorothy Fei

Gabriel really enjoyed AID summer camp in Taiwan.
He was fortunately given the opportunity to learn more about Taiwan and understand the culture.
He also met the teammates at the camp and the friendship will last forever.
We are so glad he went.
The only thing he wishes to be done differently is the program stick with the planned schedule.
Thank you for everything.
3169: 高吳晟佑 ; Author: Daniel

我的兒子參加了2017的AID summer 英文教學營他被分配到南投永康國小!在此要深深的感謝永康的校長與老師們還有AID的志工們!
Daniel's mom
3591: 蕭貝兒 ; Author: Polly Tsai

Isabel had an amazing experience at AID summer camp. This Camp has given two of the greatest gift to my daughter, Independence and Responsibility. And the best part is she knows a little bit of Hah-Ha-Fa now. Sending Isabel to the AID Camp really make a huge difference in confidence, builds lasting friendships and helps her disconnect from her electronics. I am so glad you were able to give my child this opportunity.
Parent, Polly Tsai