2017 AID Winter
2016 父母感言 (Words from Parents) >> New York
# Center
1 Atlanta
2 Boston
3 Chicago
4 Denver
5 Houston
6 Los Angeles
7 Maryland
8 Miami
9 New York
10 Orange
11 Seattle
12 SF-Miltipas
13 Toronto
14 Vancouver
2233: 王俊為 ; Author: Molly Wang

The first thing David told her younger sister in the car, right after we picked up David when he was dismissed from the AID camp, was – “You have to join the Camp, Angela, it was so fun”. David had no idea what the camp was about and have to travel over 8,000 miles to get there. It was because we, the parents, had heard so much from our friends about their kids’ previous exciting experiences. We pushed David to apply. David is applying colleges and needs to write a few essays. Taking advantage of the fantastic trip, he put the journey into his writings. His message is “live life to its fullest, always be curious to learn new things”, as he observed the contrasts between the young kids in Alishan and New York, and inspired by the curiosity of the native minds, which we believe will not only help him in the process but will also affect his career.
2249: 梁仁凱 ; Author: Julie Leung

Thank you, the organizers, and the government sponsors (i.e., OCAC, MOE, HAC, and CIP) for allowing my son, Nicholas, to participate in the 2016 Summer AID Program. I am grateful that my son had the opportunity to spend some extended time in Taiwan, learn about his heritage, and help students learn English. While it was a lot of work to prepare lesson plans, make sure the kids were paying attention, and document reflections, it was rewarding for my son to work with others and try to make an impact in each child's life. At the end of the session he wrote personalized notes to all the children to encourage them to keep learning. The teachers took great care of the volunteers. They posted photos so we could share the experience with them. The trips were fun and the food was good. Nicholas even came back to the US having a taste for steamed fish. Another benefit of the program is the many friends he made. He has friends from many places and may even end up seeing them in whatever college he ends up attending next year. All in all, I recommend this program for any student who wants to learn and experience Taiwan, isn't afraid to work hard to give back to the community, make a difference in the children's lives, and try new things. I have two younger daughters that I hope will apply to program when they come of age. Thank you again for a summer filled with great memories and experiences for my son. Nicholas can't wait for another opportunity to go to Taiwan. Regards¬ Julie Leung
2250: 石宛霑 ; Author: Catherine Shih

I am very thankful to OCAC and the Culture Center of TECO in NY for providing this great opportunity for abroad students to participate in Summer AID Program. Not only did Sabrina teach English and American culture to Taiwanese students, but she also learned some Chinese and Taiwanese culture in return. The biggest and most tiring challenge for her was that she and her partner had to come up with 8 hours of teaching plan every day. I think overall the program is great. The only thing I think it needs improvement is better communication with parents. For example, typhoon Nepartak hit Taiwan the first week the volunteers were in Taipei. I got mixed messages whether the volunteers were departing to their respective schools on that Friday when there maybe danger of typhoon. I was very worry about their safety. I believe keeping parents posted by email should be the number one priority when situations like typhoon arise. Other than that, it was a great experience for my daughter. I am very grateful that Sabrina was able to participate in the Summer AID program. Thank you
2218: 黃艾瑄 ; Author: Josh Huang

這項活動對青少年來說, 是一個很好的成長經驗, 以及 畢生難忘的經歷. 黃艾瑄在這次活動中, 著實地 增廣見聞, 獲益良多. 謝謝 !
2220: 陳美臻 ; Author: 陳至偉

我的女兒美臻 (Michelle Chen) 一直是熱心服務的孩子,除了在就讀的美國紐澤西Montgomery高中與同學籌辦設立了UNICFF Club,加入聯合國兒童基金會服務社區,課餘時也積極參加本地社團及中文學校與組織的志工服務, 高一時加入FASCA青少年文化大使協會,參與並宣揚中華文化及介紹臺灣。今年初她很興奮的告訴我,她滿了17歲了,可以報名參加僑委會主辦的 AID回臺教英語的海外華裔青年英語服務營,我們就鼓勵她報名。經過數周準備填表申請,在4月時獲通知錄取,全家都非常的高興。我們知道AID英語服務營的錄取要求是很高的,每年全球的錄取名額只有400人,包括大學生和高中生,除了申請人的在校成績活動表現外,服務經歷及熱忱,中英語能力等要求都是相當高的,所以能錄取參加AID,對我女兒來說,是相對于對她的能力表現及志工服務的經歷,給予了肯定的答復。之後全家熱烈討論訂機票回臺日期及暑假安排,終于在今年6月底全家返臺,並于7月1日女兒入住劍潭,展開為期一個月的訓練及教學服務。因為回臺前就已經在網上看過相關資料、照片及影片,了解活動內容及教學情況,所以在劍潭一周的培訓,很快學習到教學團康等課程。一周後女兒通知她被分配到臺中的土牛國小任教,在接下來的兩周裡,在土牛國小,她與她的團隊們每天花了許多時間準備安排設計教學內容,土牛國小的校長老師們非常親切照顧,同學們個個活潑可愛,認真學習,感覺就像是一家人。從日常的生活飲食到周末安排,土牛國小都是安排妥當,讓這群國外生長的孩子們,除了日常教學交流,並學習到當地文化,臺灣美食,臺灣人的熱情,孩子們的純真努力,都是讓我女兒感覺感恩及感動,研習結束,學校還送了小老師團隊們紀念馬克杯,大家在T¬shirt上簽名,照片,影片,留下無數珍貴的回憶。最後一周的寶島參訪,讓女兒看到了各處景點及自然景觀,從北到南,文化美食不同,但臺灣人情的溫暖無異,這些都是對她的成長過程中,永難磨滅的 美好記憶!返美後,女兒還留念這一個月在臺灣的教學經驗,並分享給她的朋友同學們。感謝僑委會教育部及相關單位,能舉辦如此可貴的活動,建立了海外華裔青年與臺灣的橋梁,牽起了下一代海外及國內孩子們的手,希望這個活動越辦越成功,打開國際視野,建立交流,讓更多的海外青年參與此項活動!
2223: 張新石 ; Author: Peter Chang

I hereby express my sincere gratitude to you and admiration of your philanthropy for providing such ingenious once--in-¬a-¬lifetime life¬-changing opportunity to my son, Newstein Chang, who was able to partake in the wonderful AID Volunteer Program in the summer of 2016. May GOD continue to bless you gracious and abundantly.
2238: 陳弘文 ; Author: Charles/Jenny Chen

我的孩子陳弘文Patrick Chen! 很榮幸能參加2016年華裔青年梧鳳國小的英文服Charles/Jenny務營,非常感謝游老師、賴校長、主任、施園長,替代役嘉文熱情款待及照顧這些華裔小孩,讓孩子們有一個不一樣的暑假及人生體驗,就像校長所說的,辛苦了兩週,一輩子的回憶,梧鳳國小非常美麗, 我們孩子非常開心,也很幸運能來到梧鳳國小, 得到大家的愛護。感謝!
2241: 陳顥宜 ; Author: 梁淑玲

很高興我女兒有機會參加2016海外華裔青年英語服務營。從受訓、討論教案、編定教學內容、實際教課到完成服務,每一個過程都是挑戰和訓練,也更是學習。學習到群體生活、團隊合作、組織規劃、人際互動、處理問題和解決問題的能力。 學習之外還有友誼的建立與支持。身為父母很感謝有這樣的機會給小孩深刻的人生經歷與歷練。
2243: 黃培睿 ; Author: Chun­Hsiung Huang

這是我們的第二個小孩(黄培睿)參加海外華裔青年英文服務營。想必兩年前 培睿的哥哥(晨睿)的台灣英文教學經驗讓培睿有些期待,所以當我們質疑他是否在忙碌的十一年级生活中還有時間準備、參加今年的台灣英文教學,他信心滿满的就答應了! 兩年前是我陪晨睿回台灣報到。今年因為工作時閰不能配合,我們讓培睿自己搭飛機回台灣。原本我們還有些擔心,不過培睿的應對證明了我們多慮了! 非常湊巧(也有緣)的,晨睿和培睿都被分發到嘉義,不過晨睿是在嘉義市,培睿則是分發到嘉義縣的阿里山國民中小學,光高度就相差了一千多公尺,經歷自然不同。雖說"高山青"是我們再熟悉不過的歌曲,但阿里山和嘉義對生長在北台灣的我們卻是相當陌生。在行前,我們也利用這次機會和培睿蒐集了一些嘉義、阿里山和阿里山國民中小學的資料,也算讓我們對這些地方補上了一些認識。 培睿的這次行程從劍潭結訓到嘉義就因颱風而延遲了一天而增加了些戲劇性。到了阿里山後,從山裏瞬息萬變、隨時都可能飄來籠罩整個學校的雲,到自己洗衣服、尋找穩定的Wi¬fi的點,對培睿都是新的體驗。從電子郵件和偶爾的電話連繫,我們也感受到孩子對環境的適應能力,也放心了一些。有一點可以確定的是,當紐澤西和台灣全在北半球七月的酷熱下時,培睿在一千兩百公尺的阿里山上,倒是過了一個涼快舒服的夏天! 家裏有青少年的父母,一定領略過小孩子的"守口如瓶"和"選擇性失憶",當小孩在地球的另一端時就更不容易知道他的感受,只能從他提供的有限資訊去揣測。不過從培睿寄來的照片、培睿要求台灣的親戚活動結束後晚幾個小時再去接他,以及他在台灣額外停留的時間又和夥伴們聚會了幾次,我想培睿在這次活動中應該結交了一些好朋友。 從台灣回來後,日子又一如往常。 不過我發現有時當我們談到颱風、嘉義、阿里山、淡水和其他這次活動他去過的地方, 他就表現出高度的興趣。而我自己稍後的台灣之行,培睿也提供了一些建議呢!想想除了試着培養台灣偏鄉學童對英文的興趣,如果能讓這些華裔青年對台灣,這塊他們父母來自的土地,多一些些認識和情感,這可是一舉兩得呢!
2248: 張庭瑜 ; Author: Lingyu Tsai

首先要感謝僑委會提供海外青少年回臺灣服務的機會. 我的女兒張庭瑜(Zoe Chang)是今年(2016)七月參加海外青年英語服務營. 短短的一個月, 對她和對當媽媽的我, 都是難得的經驗. 她也因此認識不少和她相同理念的朋友. 在台東卑南溫泉小學的兩個星期, 是庭瑜收穫最多的時段. 因為七月初颱風橫掃台東, 庭瑜的情緒,由目睹校園滿目瘡痍的低落, 到親自感受校長,老師,小朋友的樂觀耐勞, 讓凡事追求完美的她, 有了更大的推動力. 雖然我心疼她常常到深夜還在準備教材, 但是我更心慰她的真誠投入,付出. 在劍潭青年活動中心集訓的一週, 因為活動緊湊, 庭瑜有點抱怨wifi設備不夠, 無法上網完成要求的作業. 我建議僑委會提醒學生們回臺灣前, 先安排好 cellular data plan, 所以不會產生像我們沒有wifi 無法上網的困擾. 總而言之, 庭瑜受益良多. 一個月下來, 中文的表達能力也進步不少. 對夜市小吃, 更是如數家珍. 這麼都是額外的收穫.